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How to Collaborate on Something with Someone

Gabriella Brandom & Nicole Finochio

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

Image Source: Mathew Lucas on Dribble

Writing can be a relatively isolated craft, and there is plenty of fun in that sometimes — however, have you ever wanted to try out writing with someone else? We write a lot of things together, such as poems and stories (both short and long). And also, of course, this blog post!

The first thing you need in order to write something with someone is a writing friend. It can help if they are a life friend, too. When you write with someone, you have to be ready to work together! Find someone whose judgment you trust. Then, you must write.

Here is how we go about it. You can try it out if you so please.

First, we brainstorm ideas and talk it out. Be open to where the story may go. Don’t focus on what you should write, but more on the possibilities of things you could write. Where will this writing take you? Sometimes the unexpected paths are the best ones. When you share ideas, they merge together in interesting ways that neither of you would have thought of alone.

Then, we go our separate ways and write. At this stage, it can be helpful to write without the intention of making it “good” — sometimes the idea of perfection can make it impossible to start. Don’t worry if it is very “drafty.” If our writing leads us in different, unspoken directions, we don’t fight it. At the crude stages of writing, it's best to not let any specifics hold one back.

Eventually, we share our writing with each other. This is the best part. You get to experience the story as a reader and not just a writer.

Then, the cycle repeats — we brainstorm based on the new writing, then go our separate ways to write more. When working on something long, a rhythm starts to emerge, and a story starts to take shape.

If you find yourself coming to a place of disagreement as to where to take the story next, take a moment to talk. If one of us thinks something should happen in a certain way and the other doesn’t, then it is likely that neither option is the one to follow. Some new idea will come along that will feel like the right path to take.

So there you go. Remember to have fun. Now… write!



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